
GeaFlow 支持使用Java SPI方式定义用户自定义Connector。



用户应该实现一个 TableConnector 接口。我们支持使用 TableReadableConnector 用于读取数据,使用 TableWritableConnector 用于写入数据。如果两个接口都实现了,连接器将同时支持读和写操作。

 * The interface for table connector.
public interface TableConnector {

     * Return table connector type.
    String getType();

 * A readable table connector.
public interface TableReadableConnector extends TableConnector {

    TableSource createSource(Configuration conf);

 * A writable table connector.
public interface TableWritableConnector extends TableConnector {

     * Create the {@link TableSink} for the table connector.
    TableSink createSink(Configuration conf);


TableSource 接口用于从连接器中读取数据。

 * Interface for table source.
public interface TableSource extends Serializable {

     * The init method for compile time.
    void init(Configuration tableConf, TableSchema tableSchema);

     * The init method for runtime.
    void open(RuntimeContext context);

     * List all the partitions for the source.
    List<Partition> listPartitions();

     * Returns the {@link TableDeserializer} for the source to convert data read from
     * the source to {@link Row}.
    <IN> TableDeserializer<IN> getDeserializer(Configuration conf);

     * Fetch data for the partition from start offset. if the windowSize is -1, it represents an
     * all-window which will read all the data from the source, else return widow size for data.
    <T> FetchData<T> fetch(Partition partition, Optional<Offset> startOffset, long windowSize) throws IOException;

     * The close callback for the job finish the execution.
    void close();


TableSink 接口用于将数据写入连接器。

 * Interface for table sink.
public interface TableSink extends Serializable {

     * The init method for compile time.
    void init(Configuration tableConf, StructType schema);

     * The init method for runtime.
    void open(RuntimeContext context);

     * The write method for writing row to the table.
    void write(Row row) throws IOException;

     * The finish callback for each window finished.
    void finish() throws IOException;

     * The close callback for the job finish the execution.
    void close();


下面是一个用于控制台的Table Connector的示例。


public class ConsoleTableConnector implements TableWritableConnector {

    public String getType() {
        return "CONSOLE";

    public TableSink createSink(Configuration conf) {
        return new ConsoleTableSink();

public class ConsoleTableSink implements TableSink {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = 

    private boolean skip;

    public void init(Configuration tableConf, StructType schema) {
        skip = tableConf.getBoolean(ConsoleConfigKeys.GEAFLOW_DSL_CONSOLE_SKIP);

    public void open(RuntimeContext context) {


    public void write(Row row) {
        if (!skip) {

    public void finish() {


    public void close() {


在实现了 ConsoleTableConnector 后,您需要将完整的类名添加到 resources/META-INF.services/com.antgroup.geaflow.dsl.connector.api. TableConnector 文件中。该文件应列出所有实现了 TableConnector 接口的连接器类的全名,以便 GeaFlow 在启动时能够扫描到这些类,并将它们注册为可用的Connector。


CREATE TABLE file_source (
  id BIGINT,
  name VARCHAR,
  age INT
) WITH (
    geaflow.dsl.file.path = '/path/to/file'

CREATE TABLE console_sink (
  id BIGINT,
  name VARCHAR,
  age INT
) WITH (

INSERT INTO console_sink
SELECT * FROM file_source;