Geaflow supports the following mathematical operations.

Operation Description
+ numeric Return the positive value of numeric
- numeric Return the negative value of numeric
numeric1 + numeric2 Return the result of numeric1 plus numeric2
numeric1 - numeric2 Return the result of numeric1 minus numeric2
numeric1 * numeric2 Return the result of numeric1 multiply numeric2
numeric1 / numeric2 Return the result of numeric1 divid numeric2. If numeric1 and numeric2 are integers, they are evenly divided. e.g. 3/2 = 1, 3/2.0 = 1.5
POWER(numeric1, numeric2) Return the result of numeric1 raised to the numeric2
ABS(numeric) Return the absolute value of numeric
MOD(numeric1, numeric2) Return the remainder of numeric1/numeric2
SQRT(numeric) Return the square root of numeric
LN(numeric) Return the natural logarithm of numeric to base e
LOG10(numeric) Return the natural logarithm of numeric to base 10
EXP(numeric) Return the result of e raised to the numeric
CEIL(numeric) Return the smallest integer value greater than or equal to numeric
FLOOR(numeric) Return the biggest integer value less than or equal to numeric
SIN(numeric) Return the sine of numeric
COS(numeric) Return the cosine of numeric
TAN(numeric) Return the tangent of numeric
COT(numeric) Return the cotangent of numeric
ASIN(numeric) Return the arc sine of numeric
ACOS(numeric) Return the arc cosine of numeric
ATAN(numeric) Return the arc tangent of numeric
DEGREES(numeric) Returns the degree of numeric, converted from radians to degrees
RADIANS(numeric) Returns the radian of numeric, converted from degrees to radians
SIGN(numeric) Return the sign of numeric, 1 represents a positive number, -1 represents a negative number, and 0 represents 0
PI Return the constant value of PI
E() Return the constant value of e
RAND() Return a random double number between 0-1
RAND(seed s) Use the initial seed to return pseudo random double values between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive). If two RAND functions have the same initial seed, both RAND functions will return the same sequence of numbers
RAND_INTEGER(bound numeric) Return a random integer number between 0-numeric
RAND_INTEGER(seed s, bound numeric) Use the initial seed to return pseudo random integer values between 0 (inclusive) and numeric (exclusive). If two RAND_INTEGER functions have the same initial seed, both RAND_INTEGER functions will return the same sequence of numbers
ROUND(numeric1, numeric2) Return the result of rounding the argument numeric1 to numeric2 decimal places
log2(numeric) Return the natural logarithm of numeric to base 2